Results for 'Bryn A. Bridges'

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  1.  5
    Towards Global Thinking in Bioethics: Hybridizing “Biology” and “Ethics”.Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc, Cécile Aenishaenslin & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2024 - Ethics and the Environment 29 (2):1-55.
    Ethics as a field should, we argue, pay more attention to the (eco)system. Van Rensselaer Potter, one of the pillars of contemporary bioethics, advocated for a global “bios” ethics that literally and metaphorically bridges the gap between biological knowledge and ethical reflection. However, a Potterian Bio-Ethics faces a major obstacle: its acentric focus. Consequently, Global Bio-Ethics remains opaque for those trained under the anthropocentric biomedical ethics that instrumentalizes the environment. This paper aims to demystify two key concepts—Globality and Complexity—and (...)
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  2.  19
    Are there DNA damage checkpoints in E. coli?Bryn A. Bridges - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (1):63-70.
    The concept of regulatory ‘checkpoints’ in the eukaryotic cycle has proved to be a fruitful one. Here, its applicability to the bacterial cell cycle is examined. A primitive DNA damage checkpoint operates in E. coli such that, after exposure to ultraviolet light, while excision repair occurs, chromosome replication continues very slowly with the production of discontinuous daughter strands. The slower the rate of excision of photoproducts, the greater the delay before the normal rate of DNA replication is restored, the additional (...)
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    DNA turnover and mutation in resting cells.Bryn A. Bridges - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):347-352.
    There is growing evidence that mutations can arise in non‐dividing cells (both bacterial and mammalian) in the absence of chromosomal replication. The processes that are involved are still largely unknown but may include two separate mechanisms. In the first, DNA lesions resulting from the action of endogenous mutagens may give rise to RNA transcripts with miscoded bases. If these confer the ability to initiate DNA replication, the DNA lesions may have an opportunity to miscode during replication and thus could give (...)
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    DNA polymerases and SOS mutagenesis: can one reconcile the biochemical and genetic data?Bryn Bridges - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (10):933-937.
  5. Bio-ethics and one health: a case study approach to building reflexive governance.Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc, Bryn Williams-Jones & Cécile Aenishaenslin - 2022 - Frontiers in Public Health 10 (648593).
    Surveillance programs supporting the management of One Health issues such as antibiotic resistance are complex systems in themselves. Designing ethical surveillance systems is thus a complex task (retroactive and iterative), yet one that is also complicated to implement and evaluate (e.g., sharing, collaboration, and governance). The governance of health surveillance requires attention to ethical concerns about data and knowledge (e.g., performance, trust, accountability, and transparency) and empowerment ethics, also referred to as a form of responsible self-governance. Ethics in reflexive governance (...)
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    The significance delusion: unlocking our thinking for our children's future.Gillian Bridge - 2016 - Carmanthen, Wales: Crown House Publishing.
    Our brains are us. But we are neither happy, fulfilled, nor all that we 'should' (or maybe could) be. We have everything previous generations could have dreamed of, but it seems it's never quite enough. What's going on? Has it anything to do with the way those brains have developed, by any chance? Gillian Bridge takes us on a journey through time, history and the mysterious labyrinth that is the brain, investigating strange happenings and unlikely people on the way. The (...)
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    Constructive notions of strict convexity.Douglas S. Bridges - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):295-300.
    Two classically equivalent, but constructively inequivalent, strict convexity properties of a preference relation are discussed, and conditions given under which the stronger notion is a consequence of the weaker. The last part of the paper introduces uniformly rotund preferences, and shows that uniform rotundity implies strict convexity. The paper is written from a strictly constructive point of view, in which all proofs embody algorithms. MSC: 03F60, 90A06.
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  8.  16
    Sequential Continuity of Functions in Constructive Analysis.Douglas Bridges & Ayan Mahalanobis - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (1):139-143.
    It is shown that in any model of constructive mathematics in which a certain omniscience principle is false, for strongly extensional functions on an interval the distinction between sequentially continuous and regulated disappears. It follows, without the use of Markov's Principle, that any recursive function of bounded variation on a bounded closed interval is recursively sequentially continuous.
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  9.  65
    Varieties of constructive mathematics.Douglas Bridges & Fred Richman - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Fred Richman.
    This is an introduction to, and survey of, the constructive approaches to pure mathematics. The authors emphasise the viewpoint of Errett Bishop's school, but intuitionism. Russian constructivism and recursive analysis are also treated, with comparisons between the various approaches included where appropriate. Constructive mathematics is now enjoying a revival, with interest from not only logicans but also category theorists, recursive function theorists and theoretical computer scientists. This account for non-specialists in these and other disciplines.
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  10. (1 other version)Davidson’s Transcendental Externalism.Jason Bridges - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):290-315.
    One of the chief aims of Donald Davidson's later work was to show that participation in a certain causal nexus involving two creatures and a shared environment–Davidson calls this nexus “triangulation”–is a metaphysically necessary condition for the acquisition of thought. This doctrine, I suggest, is aptly regarded as a form of what I call transcendental externalism. I extract two arguments for the transcendental-externalist doctrine from Davidson's writings, and argue that neither succeeds. A central interpretive claim is that the arguments are (...)
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  11.  63
    Adaptive preference, justice and identity in the context of widening participation in higher education.David Bridges - 2006 - Ethics and Education 1 (1):15-28.
    Cultures of low aspirations, and more particularly young people's adaptation to them, are often presented as the major obstacle to an economic development agenda which requires more higher-level skills and a social agenda which is about enabling people from ‘non-traditional’ backgrounds to go to university. The article analyses and discusses some of the different sorts of constraints on the choices which we make and which may become unconsciously internalised and so constitute our adaptive preference. It argues, however, that all choice (...)
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  12.  60
    The Pseudocompactness of [0.1] Is Equivalent to the Uniform Continuity Theorem.Douglas Bridges & Hannes Diener - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1379 - 1384.
    We prove constructively that, in order to derive the uniform continuity theorem for pointwise continuous mappings from a compact metric space into a metric space, it is necessary and sufficient to prove any of a number of equivalent conditions, such as that every pointwise continuous mapping of [0, 1] into R is bounded. The proofs are analytic, making no use of, for example, fan-theoretic ideas.
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  13.  64
    Handbook of Constructive Mathematics.Douglas Bridges, Hajime Ishihara, Michael Rathjen & Helmut Schwichtenberg (eds.) - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Constructive mathematics – mathematics in which ‘there exists’ always means ‘we can construct’ – is enjoying a renaissance. Fifty years on from Bishop’s groundbreaking account of constructive analysis, constructive mathematics has spread out to touch almost all areas of mathematics and to have profound influence in theoretical computer science. This handbook gives the most complete overview of modern constructive mathematics, with contributions from leading specialists surveying the subject’s myriad aspects. Major themes include: constructive algebra and geometry, constructive analysis, constructive topology, (...)
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  14.  22
    The Culture of Citizenship: Inventing Postmodern Civic Culture.Thomas Bridges - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This book seeks to salvage liberalism, as a form of political association and as a unique culture, from the wreck of the Enlightenment.
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    “Husband, father, coward, killer”: The discursive reproduction of racial inequality in media accounts of mass shooters.Tristan Bridges, Tara Leigh Tober, Melanie Brazzell & Maya Chatterjee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:966980.
    Relying on more expansive criteria for defining “mass shootings” than much existing research, we examine a subset of a unique dataset incorporating 7,048 news documents covering 2,170 shootings in the United States between 2013 and 2019. We analyze the descriptive language used to describe incidents and perpetrators and discover significant racial disparities in representation. This research enables a critical examination of the explanatory frames utilized by news media to tell the public who mass shooters are and journalistic attempts to explain (...)
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  16.  63
    Constructive notions of equicontinuity.Douglas S. Bridges - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (5):437-448.
    In the informal setting of Bishop-style constructive reverse mathematics we discuss the connection between the antithesis of Specker’s theorem, Ishihara’s principle BD-N, and various types of equicontinuity. In particular, we prove that the implication from pointwise equicontinuity to uniform sequential equicontinuity is equivalent to the antithesis of Specker’s theorem; and that, for a family of functions on a separable metric space, the implication from uniform sequential equicontinuity to uniform equicontinuity is equivalent to BD-N.
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  17.  22
    Aspects of ethical religion.Horace James Bridges - 1926 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by Felix Adler.
    Ethical mysticism, by S. Coit.--The ethical import of history, by D. S. Muzzey.--The tragic and heroic in life, by W. M. Salter.--Distinctive features of the ethical movement, by A. W. Martin.--Ethical experience as the basis of religious education, by H. Neumann.--"All men are created equal," by G. E. O'Dell.--How far is art an aid to religion? by P. Chubb.--Evolution and the uniqueness of man, by H. J. Bridges.--The spiritual outlook on life, by H. J. Golding.--The ethics of Abu'l Ala (...)
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  18.  20
    Digital failure: Unbecoming the “good” data subject through entropic, fugitive, and queer data.Lauren E. Bridges - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    This paper explores the political potential of digital failure as a refusal to work in service of today’s dataveillance society. Moving beyond criticisms of flawed digital systems, this paper traces the moments of digital failure that seek to break, rather than fix, existing systems. Instead, digital failure is characterized by pesky data that sneaks through the cracks of digital capitalism and dissipates into the unproductive; it supports run-away data prone to misidentifications by digital marketers, coders, and content moderators; and it (...)
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  19.  58
    Enterprise and liberal education.David Bridges - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (1):91–98.
    Recent initiatives from the Employment Department in the UK have promoted ‘enterprise education’. This paper discusses the relationship of enterprise education to the more established notion of a liberal education. It is argued that enterprise education should be understood not as replacing the aspirations of a liberal education, but rather as supporting or extending them. It does this (i) by helping pupils to understand what is arguably a significant form of life; (ii) by developing understanding of the economic conditions of (...)
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  20.  92
    Knowledge and presuppositions.Jason Bridges - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):473-476.
    © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Trust. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] Blome-Tillmann’s Knowledge and Presuppositions proposes and defends a novel form of epistemological contextualism. As the title would suggest, the view’s novelty lies in its deployment of the pragmatic-theoretic concept of a conversational presupposition to delineate a role for context in shaping the meaning of our knowledge claims. Over the course of six dense, argument-filled chapters, Blome-Tillmann brings his (...)
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  21.  87
    Educational research and policy: Epistemological considerations.David Bridges & Michael Watts - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (s1):41-62.
    This article is centrally concerned with the sort of knowledge that can and should inform educational policy—and it treats this as an epistemological question. It distinguishes this question from the more extensively explored question of what sort of knowledge in what form policy-makers do in fact commonly take into account. The article examines the logical and rhetorical character of policy and the components of policy decisions and argues that policy demands a much wider range of information than research typically provides. (...)
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  22. Philosophy, methodology and educational research: Introduction.David Bridges & Richard Smith - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (2):131–135.
    This book evaluates the increasingly wide variety of intellectual resources for research methods and methodologies and investigates what constitutes good educational research. Written by a distinguished international group of philosophers of education Questions what sorts of research can usefully inform policy and practice, and what inferences can be drawn from different kinds of research Demonstrates the critical engagement of philosophers of education with the wider educational research community and illustrates the benefits that can accrue from such engagement.
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  23. Wittgenstein vs contextualism.Jason Bridges - 2010 - In Arif Ahmed, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A critique of attempts by Charles Travis and others to read contextualism back into Philosophical Investigations. The central interpretive claim is that this reading is not only unsupported; it gets Wittgenstein's intent, in the parts of the text at issue, precisely backwards. The focus of the chapter is on Wittgenstein's treatment of explanation, understanding, proper names, and family-resemblance concepts.
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  24.  96
    Educational research and the practical judgement of policy makers.David Bridges, Paul Smeyers & Richard Smith - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (s1):5-14.
    This publication arises in a context in which policy makers and educational researchers are increasingly vocal in their demands that educational policy and prac.
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  25.  34
    Weak-operator Continuity and the Existence of Adjoints.Douglas Bridges & Luminita Dediu - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):203-206.
    It is shown, within constructive mathematics, that the unit ball B1 of the set of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H is weak-operator totally bounded. This result is then used to prove that the weak-operator continuity of the mapping T → AT on B1 is equivalent to the existence of the adjoint of A.
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  26.  41
    (1 other version)Constructive Mathematics in Theory and Programming Practice.Douglas Bridges & Steeve Reeves - 1998 - Philosophia Mathematica 6 (3):65-104.
    The first part of the paper introduces the varieties of modern constructive mathematics, concentrating on Bishop's constructive mathematics. it gives a sketch of both Myhill's axiomatic system for BISH and a constructive axiomatic development of the real line R. The second part of the paper focusses on the relation between constructive mathematics and programming, with emphasis on Martin-L6f 's theory of types as a formal system for BISH.
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  27.  13
    On the arbitrary nature of things: an agnostic reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Andrew Lee Bridges - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    On the Arbitrary Nature of Things approaches Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit through a paradigm of agnosticism developed from Hegel's own critique of systems of knowledge. This work traces Hegel's descriptions of the movements of Spirit with equal measures of charity and skepticism. It provokes one to question the level of agnosticism that should be taken toward our various systems of human understanding, both in Hegel's Phenomenology and in our contemporary world. With respect to our contemporary world, Bridges questions whether (...)
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  28.  63
    Gender Capital and Male Bodybuilders.Tristan S. Bridges - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (1):83-107.
    Cultural capital and hegemonic masculinity are two concepts that have received intense attention. While both have received serious consideration, critique and analysis, the context or field-specificity of each is sometimes ignored. They have been used in a diversity of ways. Using ethnographic and interview data from a US male bodybuilding community, this study highlights one useful employment. Hegemonic masculinity takes different shapes in different fields of interaction, acting as a form of cultural capital: gender capital. Inherent in this discussion are (...)
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  29. The Search for the "Essence of Human Language" in Wittgenstein and Davidson.Jason Bridges - 2017 - In Claudine Verheggen, Wittgenstein and Davidson on Language, Thought, and Action. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 139-158.
    This paper offers an interpretation of the later Wittgenstein's handling of the idea of an "essence of human language", and examines in particular his treatment of the 'Augustinean' vision of reference as constituting this "essence". A central theme of the interpretation is the perennial philosophical desire to impose upon linguistic meaning conceptual templates drawn from outside the forms of thought about meaning in which we engage when we exercise our capacity to speak and understand a language. The paper closes with (...)
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  30.  68
    Competence-based education and training: Progress or villainy?David Bridges - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (3):361–376.
    This paper notes the critical response that the ‘competence movement’ has received from writers in philosophy of education and argues for a more positive assessment of what it offers in relation to: (i) the place of practical competence in a liberal education, (ii) the meritocratic principles underlying the competence movement, (iii) the ‘transparency’ of expectations in assessment, and even (iv) the element of practical competence in moral performance. It emphasises, however, that not all versions of ‘competence’ can be defended in (...)
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  31.  30
    Challenges to Pro Bono Work in the Corporate Context: Means Testing and the Non-Profit Applicant.Helena Whalen-Bridge - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (1):65-77.
    The desire to use established corporate law skill sets in the pro bono context has lead some lawyers to extend pro bono services to charitable and non-profit organisations. But does the provision of free legal services to well-funded organisations constitute pro bono work, and how can providers of pro bono legal services best prioritise among competing organisations? The author surveys various sources of formal and informal regulation in Singapore and selected Asian and other common law jurisdictions and suggests that when (...)
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  32. Meaning and Understanding.Jason Bridges - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman, A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 375-389.
    Explores the central role in Wittgenstein's later work of his opposition to a 'mechanistic' conception of understanding. Offers a diagnosis of Kripke's skeptical paradox on this basis.
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  33. Does Informational Semantics Commit Euthyphro's Fallacy?Jason Bridges - 2006 - Noûs 40 (3):522-547.
    In this paper, I argue that informational semantics, the most well-known and worked-out naturalistic account of intentional content, conflicts with a fundamental psychological principle about the conditions of belief-formation. Since this principle is an important premise in the argument for informational semantics, the upshot is that the view is self-contradictory??indeed, it turns out to be guilty of a sophisticated version of the fallacy famously committed by Euthyphro in the eponymous Platonic dialogue. Criticisms of naturalistic accounts of content typically proceed piecemeal (...)
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    Omniscience, sequential compactness, and the anti-Specker property.Douglas Bridges - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (1):53-61.
    Working within Bishop-style constructive mathematics, we derive a number of results relating the nonconstructive LPO and sequential compactness property on the one hand, and the intuitionistically reasonable anti-Specker property on the other.
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    Strong continuity implies uniform sequential continuity.Douglas Bridges, Hajime Ishihara, Peter Schuster & Luminiţa Vîţa - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):887-895.
    Uniform sequential continuity, a property classically equivalent to sequential continuity on compact sets, is shown, constructively, to be a consequence of strong continuity on a metric space. It is then shown that in the case of a separable metric space, uniform sequential continuity implies strong continuity if and only if one adopts a certain boundedness principle that, although valid in the classical, recursive and intuitionistic setting, is independent of Heyting arithmetic.
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  36. Uniformly convex Banach spaces are reflexive—constructively.Douglas S. Bridges, Hajime Ishihara & Maarten McKubre-Jordens - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (4-5):352-356.
    We propose a natural definition of what it means in a constructive context for a Banach space to be reflexive, and then prove a constructive counterpart of the Milman-Pettis theorem that uniformly convex Banach spaces are reflexive.
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  37.  75
    The disciplines and discipline of educational research.David Bridges - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (2):259–272.
    This paper starts from the point in the early 1970s at which educational theory and research was temporarily structured under the ‘foundation’ disciplines of psychology, sociology, philosophy and history of education. It observes the way the intellectual resources of educational research have become enlarged and enriched and these disciplines themselves fragmented and hybridised to a degree that prompts talk not just of interdisciplinarity but of ‘postdisciplinarity’. The paper argues, however, that without discipline, in the sense of a shared language, a (...)
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  38.  60
    The ethics of outsider research.David Bridges - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (3):371–386.
    This chapter examines criticisms made by or on behalf of ‘disempowered’ groups against outsider research into their experience: that outsiders cannot properly understand and represent their experience and are exploitative and disrespectful, and that having outsiders articulate your views for you is intrinsically disempowering. I argue that ‘outsider research’ can contribute to the better understanding of the researcher, of the community engaged in the research and of the wider community. Nevertheless the claim ‘nothing about us without us’ expresses an ethical (...)
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  39.  15
    Philosophy, methodology and educational research.David Bridges & Richard Smith (eds.) - 2007 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    This book evaluates the increasingly wide variety of intellectual resources for research methods and methodologies and investigates what constitutes good educational research. Written by a distinguished international group of philosophers of education Questions what sorts of research can usefully inform policy and practice, and what inferences can be drawn from different kinds of research Demonstrates the critical engagement of philosophers of education with the wider educational research community and illustrates the benefits that can accrue from such engagement.
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    Working without shame in international educational development? From consequentialism to casuistry.David Bridges - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (3):271-283.
    The central question addressed in this paper is about the ethics of engaging with educational development in countries perceived as undemocratic or as failing to respect human rights. More particularly, it examines the nature of the arguments that are brought to bear on this issue. It suggests that these are essentially consequentialist in character and hence fall prey to many of the limitations of such consequentialism, including the unpredictability of what will unfold, the indeterminacy of the consequences and the complex (...)
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    Absolute Continuity and the Uniqueness of the Constructive Functional Calculus.Douglas Bridges & Hajime Ishihara - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (4):519-527.
    The constructive functional calculus for a sequence of commuting selfadjoint operators on a separable Hilbert space is shown to be independent of the orthonormal basis used in its construction. The proof requires a constructive criterion for the absolute continuity of two positive measures in terms of test functions.
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    The ethics and politics of the international transfer of educational policy and practice.David Bridges - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):84-96.
    The focus of this paper is on a variety of practices associated with the transfer of educational policy and practice from one national education system to another – practices sometimes referred to as ‘policy borrowing’. Its concern is with the ethical and political issues raised by these practices. In particular, it discusses concerns that these practices might be practically inappropriate, that they might be culturally insensitive or inappropriate, and that they might be impositional, exploitative perhaps or even oppressive. Such concerns (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Wittgenstein vs contextualism.Jason Bridges - 2010 - In Arif Ahmed, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A critique of attempts by Charles Travis and others to read contextualism back into Philosophical Investigations. The central interpretive claim is that this reading is not only unsupported; it gets Wittgenstein's intent, in the parts of the text at issue, precisely backwards. The focus of the chapter is on Wittgenstein's treatment of explanation, understanding, proper names, and family-resemblance concepts.
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  44. Teleofunctionalism and Psychological Explanation.Jason Bridges - 2006 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87 (4):403-421.
    Fred Dretske’s teleofunctional theory of content aims to simultaneously solve two ground-floor philosophical puzzles about mental content: the problem of naturalism and the problem of epiphenomenalism. It is argued here that his theory fails on the latter score. Indeed, the theory insures that content can have no place in the causal explanation of action at all. The argument for this conclusion depends upon only very weak premises about the nature of causal explanation. The difficulties Dretske’s theory encounters indicate the severe (...)
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    Linear independence without choice.Douglas Bridges, Fred Richman & Peter Schuster - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (1):95-102.
    The notions of linear and metric independence are investigated in relation to the property: if U is a set of n+1 independent vectors, and X is a set of n independent vectors, then adjoining some vector in U to X results in a set of n+1 independent vectors. It is shown that this property holds in any normed linear space. A related property – that finite-dimensional subspaces are proximinal – is established for strictly convex normed spaces over the real or (...)
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    Constructive truth in practice.Douglas Bridges - 1998 - In Harold Garth Dales & Gianluigi Oliveri, Truth in mathematics. New York: Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 53--69.
    In this chapter, which has evolved over the last ten years to what I hope will be its perfect Platonic form, I shall first discuss those features of constructive mathematics that distinguish it from its traditional, or classical, counterpart, and then illustrate the practice of that distinction in aspects of complex analysis whose classical treatment ought to be familiar to a beginning graduate student of pure mathematics.
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    The anti-Specker property, positivity, and total boundedness.Douglas Bridges & Hannes Diener - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (4):434-441.
    Working within Bishop-style constructive mathematics, we examine some of the consequences of the anti-Specker property, known to be equivalent to a version of Brouwer's fan theorem. The work is a contribution to constructive reverse mathematics.
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  48.  62
    Education and the possibility of outsider understanding.David Bridges - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):105-123.
    In education issues to do with insider and outsider understanding arise in debates about religious education and about certain areas of research, and in argument about education for international understanding. Here I challenge the dichotomy between insider and outsider, arguing that a more collectivist view of human identity combined with elements of 'the self which we share with our fellows' means that we always stand in part as an insider and in part as an outsider in relation to others. I (...)
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  49.  14
    First steps in constructive game theory.Douglas S. Bridges - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4-5):501-506.
    The minimax theorem of matrix game theory is examined from a constructive point of view. It is then shown that the existence of solutions for matrix games cannot be proved constructively, but that a 2-by-2 game with at most one solution has a constructible solution.
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    Introduction.David Bridges & Richard Smith - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):417–419.
    This is the second of two Special Issues, the first of which appeared as Volume 40, Issue 2 of this year. In the first Issue, our contributors were particularly inclined to question two assumptions that colour thinking about educational research. The first is that educational research is essentially a ‘scientific’ exercise, reaching its apogee in randomised control trials, as if medical research were the ideal to which all other kinds of research should attempt to measure up, and as if education (...)
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